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When a Man Loves a Woman

A relationship is a web of sacrificial activities that helps true love to succeed. When a man truly loves you, he will be ready to make sacrifices for you. You will become the center of gravity in his life. No other woman counts anymore to him. He will express his feelings unconditionally without regard to what people are saying. Therefore, a woman who is attentive and observant will know whether a man loves her or not. As a woman, there are many green lights and red flags to look out for in a relationship!  Some of the green lights may be simply common things; however, a man who does not love you will be impatient to commit to such sacrifices regardless of how insignificant. 
Here are some things a man will do when he truly loves you:  
  1. He will always be ready to go the extra mile to keep the relationship in good shape and to make you happy. 
  2. He will love you unconditionally — always willing to sacrifice his life for you just like Jesus Christ did for His Bride Church. According to the Scriptures, Jesus Christ laid down His life to pay the supreme price to redeem mankind from eternal loss. Likewise, true love knows no bounds. The man who loves you will not abuse your body, emotions, spirit, or dignity.
  3. He will complement your weaknesses, enhance your strengths, promote your glory, and provide a shoulder to lean on. 
It does not matter if it is a marital or dating relationship: a man who loves you will show the underlined seven characteristics as a genuine demonstration of his feelings for you. 
Here are some of the characteristic behaviors that you have to watch for:
  1. He Provides a listening ear
Please add this to your knowledge bank: Men are hypothetically children; they always give their undivided attention to things they are passionate about. If he loves you, he will always give you his full attention. Your voice becomes the music he is always eager to hear. Always look for this trait! If he loves you sincerely, you will see it in the level of attention he pays when you speak. He will not only listen but also take your advice. He will respect your thoughts and provide a positive response to your desires. If he is absent-minded as you speak, it is a red flag and you must exercise caution. It means his mind is somewhere else, and he is only there with you in his physical being. The bottom line is that A man who loves you will not only listen but also pay attention and be ready to respond.

Action that is not taken is an opportunity that is wasted.
Dr. Evette Young

A relationship is a web of sacrificial activities that helps true love to succeed. When a man truly loves you, he will be ready to make sacrifices for you. You will become the center of gravity in his life. No other woman counts anymore to him. He will express his feelings unconditionally without minding what other people are saying. So, a woman who is attentive and observant will know whether a man loves her or not. As a woman, there are many green lights and red flags to look out for in a relationship! Here are some of the characteristic behaviors that you have to watch for. I will also bullet point some red flags you must look for.  
Some things a man will do for you when he truly loves you are:  
He will always be ready to go the extra mile to keep the relationship in good shape and to make you happy. He will love you unconditionally — always willing to sacrifice his life for you just like Jesus Christ did for His Bride Church. According to the Scriptures, Jesus Christ laid down His life to pay the supreme price to redeem mankind from eternal loss. Likewise, true love knows no bounds. The man who loves you will not abuse your body, emotions, spirit, or dignity. He will complement your weaknesses, enhance your strengths, promote your glory, and provide a shoulder to lean on.  It does not matter if it is a marital or dating relationship: a man who loves you will show the underlined seven characteristics as a genuine demonstration of his feelings for you. Some of the green lights may be simply common things; however, a man who does not love you will be impatient to commit to such sacrifices regardless of how insignificant.
  1. He will provide a listening ear
Please add this to your knowledge bank: Men are hypothetically children; they always give their undivided attention to things they are passionate about. If he loves you, he will always listen to you with full concentration. Your voice becomes the music he is always eager hear. Always look for this trait in your man. If he loves you sincerely you will see it in the level of attention he pays to yours words. He will be ready to listen and take your advices. He will respect your thoughts and be ready to provide positive response to your desires. If he is always absent minded whenever you are discussing with him, it is a red flag for you to take heed. It means his mind is elsewhere, he is only there with you in his physical being to exploit or abuse you. The bottom line is that the man who loves you will not only listen when you speak but will pay attention to those words you speak and be ready to respond appropriately.

Action that is not taken is an opportunity that is wasted.”
Dr. Evette Young

  1. He will commit to the success of the Relationship

Relationships will have their ups and downs. A man who loves you will stand with you no matter what happens. He will fight for the sustainability of the relationship. He will not run away when the relationship is going through a bad time. He would rather invest his time, energy, and money to give the relationship a continuous life. Whenever there is an argument, he will always find a middle ground for the sake of your relationship. This is extremely important, it is a red flag when a man does not care if the relationship continues or breaks. It takes two to make a healthy relationship. A relationship is unhealthy when you’re the only one pushing for its survival or success.

  1. He will make unconditional sacrifices

A man who loves you will always be there to make sacrifices that will make you happy. This is one of the biggest green lights you should look for in your man. Because he loves you, he will always look for things that will make you happy. He will respect your opinions and be ready to make amendments in his plans when the need arises to suit your interest. He puts you and your happiness first in his plans. If he doesn’t consider you in the plans he makes and he is not ready to shift ground when his plans affect your happiness or well-being, the love might not really be there. Love is about sacrifices, therefore, he should be willing to sacrifice unconditionally when it comes to the things that genuinely affect your happiness.

  1. He is happy about your achievements

If a man loves you, your landmark achievements become his source of joy. Everything you achieve is his own achievements. On the other hand, your misfortune touches his core. You will see it in his eyes and attitude how unhappy he is when a misfortune befalls you. Your progress will never intimidate him. When a man loves you, he won’t see your progress in a competition with his, but rather as a complement of his own achievements. Your man will never envy you for your achievements; instead, he sees both of you as partners in progress. A man who loves you, wins with you.

  1. He will not abuse your body but uplift you spiritually

When a man loves you, his ultimate aim will not be to abuse your body. When all a man does is to have sex with you and doesn’t bother about all other things that affect your life, your career, or the relationship, you need to wake up from your slumber. Possibly you’re only his sex machine with which he is fulfilling his sexual urges. Definitely, there is someone else out there getting his real attention. A man who loves you will help you to grow spiritually and professionally. He will concern himself with your plight and work without ceasing towards your progress. Don’t waste your time with a man who is a purpose destroyer and destiny killer. If a man loves you, he will always be eager to help your purpose and destiny. When a man really loves a woman, she is always his treasure.

  1. He will care about your family and friends

If he cares about you he will also care for your loved ones. He understands that the people you love and hold in high esteem are important to you. He will know if your friends and family members are happy. A man who loves you will develop a genuine interest in the plights of your significant others. He will cherish their importance and be willing to assist in their problems. Attempts to seclude you from your family and friends are red lines and you should be careful.

  1. He is not afraid of being vulnerable
Naturally, men do not like being vulnerable. So, when a man operates openly with you without having to hide any of his dealings from you, it is a green light attesting to the fact that he loves you. He will not be afraid of losing anything by being open to you. 
A man who loves you would rarely show or exhibit the following characteristics:  
  1. A man who loves you will not molest or harm you in any way.
  2. A man who loves you, will not be selfish.
  3. A man who loves you will not jeopardize your relationship.
  4. A man who loves you will not focus on your imperfections.
  5. A man who loves you will not make you vulnerable to people who might hurt you.
  6. A man who loves will not cheat on you.
  7. A man who loves you will not be intimidated by your career and landmark successes.
  8. A man who loves you will not sabotage your open doors of opportunities.
  9. A man who loves you will not hinder your pursuit of spiritual life achievements.
  10. A man who loves you will not build a different life away from you.

Conclusion When a man loves you, he becomes your spiritual leader who helps you navigate through the challenges of life. He protects and motivates you to take bold steps that will lead you to achieve great things in life. Please study your relationship to see which of these indicators are dominant in the relationship. When a man loves you, he will always display the green lights. In like manner, a man who does not love you will also show red flags. You must know when to make a U-turn from a wrong relationship. God never intended for marriage to be a burden or death trap. He designed marriage to be a wonderful sanctuary; therefore, when a man loves a woman he offers her a sanctuary.

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When a Man Loves a Woman

26th August 2021


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