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Incrimination is a huge part of satanic collusion to disrupt righteousness and right standing with God because sin separates. God has moved by His grace to protect the righteous by imputing His righteousness unto the believer and empowering the righteous to embrace the lifestyles of righteousness.



The works of the demonic Kingdom is to embarrass the human race before God and expose their nakedness or shame. Part of the evil satanic agenda is to undermine the clarity and transparency of the voice of the LORD God, knowing that it would destabilize the people. It would deprive them of their spiritual abilities, and degrade the quality values of their lives. It’s also a way to sabotage their self-esteem and discourage their faithful trust in God and damage their right standing with the Creator. Evil powers use temptations to lure people into dangerous behaviors to secure damning proofs of their actions and use them to blackmail their character, integrity, and credibility. It’s a carefully organized method to deprive humanity of eternal establishment and security with the LORD God.

Incrimination is a huge part of satanic collusion to disrupt righteousness and right standing with God because sin separates. God has moved by His grace to protect the righteous by imputing His righteousness unto the believer and empowering the righteous to embrace the lifestyles of righteousness.

True spiritual warfare is not a matter of gathering tons of scriptural verses, but a question of legality and legitimacy: right and wrong; good and evil; God, man, and satan. There are also the important issues of military formations and orders of ranks versus diplomatic, legislative, and judicial processes. We must carefully look at every aspect to learn about the general requirements for spiritual warfare. We must understand the nature of spiritual warfare: how the battle plans are arranged, who is involved when to engage and disengage, and what are the keys to achieving and maintaining our victory and conquer. Spiritual warfare deals with arrays of components that are tied together and solving the puzzles could mean life and death. Our training and equipping will determine what type of spiritual warfare we engage in and how far we can advance. The battles for the elite are not assigned to regular officers.

No soldier goes to war without training and preparation and most importantly, without being properly equipped to fight and win the battle. Spiritual warfare is not entertainment but a real battle with a high risk of spiritual and physical implications: injuries, wounds, and death. Therefore, we must exercise diligent caution and prayerfully evaluate ourselves before diving into spiritual warfare. Spiritual Warfare Strategies is a manual of spiritual warfare keys — carefully designed to help you through basic, advanced, and dimensional spiritual warfare. We have underlined important requirements and regiments of critical training and preparations to get you ready for victorious and triumphant spiritual warfare.

Please remember this one thing: there is no amount of training and preparation that makes you overqualified. There are always new heights, depths, widths, and lengths, which is why we have strenuously itemized the important concepts of basic, advanced, and dimensional warfare. In this manual, you will find key strategic areas of spiritual warfare to broaden your spiritual depth and horizon.


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