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There are different areas of sex beyond physical contact through intercourse, and what is dangerously implicating is the penalties that people incur without the notion of any violation. They characterize sex by what they see it to be, however, they plunge themselves into deep spiritual captivity and bondage. Often, some people will begin to realize that there is a problem after the damages have been done. As the struggle to be free starts to settle, what seemed less challenging will become a giant obstacle. No aspect of freedom is simple because freedom comes with a great investment. 

Exposure to sexual entrapment can lead people into the belly of the abyss. Captivity and bondage are not minor issues of life depending on the severity. Legal problems whether spiritual or physical are impediments to a successful and prosperous life. The dictates of the penalties can warrant a difficult shift in a person’s life. Whether a person will be saved from the mandate or otherwise will determine the next phase or status. Freedom is not the same as being under captivity and bondage, and we must be careful not to mistake the song of freedom for the reality of being free. 

Different sexual behaviors show where a person’s sexual life has been contaminated or taken hostage beyond the individual’s ability to liberate him or herself. The overdrive in the surge is a warning that a threshold has been crossed from a spiritual perspective and the battle for freedom is no longer a casual matter. Spiritual Side of Sex shows the hidden paradigm beyond a personal assessment of sexuality and sexual preference based upon culture, tradition, and held beliefs. Mistaken rules for opinion are undermining important safeguards. Obedience is better than sacrifice, so there are things that paying a fine cannot remedy the eventual outcome. 

The management and accountability that under-guards the gift of sex must not be taken lightly because a sin outside the body is not the same as inside the body. The things that are happening around you may present different challenges compared to impacting your life directly. Opening your life can bring major struggle. Some deliverance comes with great pain to complete and correct the problems. Lust and perversion are spiritual misuses of sexuality to defile and pollute people’s lives. Because the damage is deep within, some issues may result in long-term effects. Always, destructive tendencies will lead to destruction and the room for immediate escape may suddenly disappear. 


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